Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Leonardo Da Vinci the Renaissance man

Renaissance means 'rebirth' or 'reborn.' and Renaissance man means a person who is professional in many ways. Leonardo Da Vinci is called true renassaince man who was known as an artist in Renaissance. He was good at lots of things and he had lots of curiosity from young. He was also observant. He tried lots of things and as a result, he was sculpture, architect, inventor, mathematician, engineer, scientist, painter and party planner. He had done lots of works. he wrote and drew all his ideas on papers and to protect his work he wrote everything in mirror writing. He had ideas about flying machine, parachute and other war machines. However he couldn't make his ideas into real because there were lack of technology to make them. He was also good at science and he dissected the human body to know more about the human. By this he also could draw specifically. By him trying lots of things, he was one of the influence that made 'rebirth' or 'reborn' in Renaissance time.

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